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Insight: Fans of PBR can sniff out when they're being pandered to.

Concept: Create fun content that is broad and relatable enough not to trigger buyers into thinking they're being targeted.

CW, AD, Designer: Jack Cronin

Beer glass final_.png
$100 tab.png
PBR Vintage Ad.png


The following posters will be placed in bar bathrooms and is aimed at people going on dates.


The hope is to give them a laugh and something to talk about when they get back from the bathroom.

Dating- the game!.png
Dating- the game! 2.png

Social Media

In addition to the out-of-home posters above, promoting Dating: The Game online will give people an opportunity to join in on the conversation and lament in stories of how difficult dating can be.

FINAL Dating- the game Web Ad.png
FINAL Dating- the game Web Ad 3.png
FINAL Dating- the game Web Ad 4.png

Jack Cronin

Contact me for your copywriting needs!

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